Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day # 3: Still sticking to it

I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. Though my head was feeling foggy but nowhere near as much as it was yesterday, even though that wasn't as unbearable as the first day. From the moment I got out of bed, I felt energized. I’ve had this weird feeling for most of the day, kind of like feeling warm and tingly (possibly the Niacin?). Though I did almost faint at one point because I got my blood drawn but I think it was due to the poorly trained phlebotomist poking me 4 times. I had two sips of apple juice because they would not let me leave unless I had at least a couple of sips. Though I tried explaining to the nurse I was on this Paleo cleanse etc.

Funny how enticing and seductive certain foods become when you "can't" have them; visions of bacon wrapped goat cheese stuffed dates dance in my head. Yet, despite starvation and deprivation, committing to the challenge did help me stay away from the bagel table at work today. Ok so perhaps I am being a bit dramatic but I really don't ever seem to feel full. My evil coworker keeps taunting and joking about how we can't eat certain foods. Today he literally ran out from the back office to eat tatter tots right in front of us. While talking about how good it was (mouth full and all). I reminded myself about how much better I was feeling, better with each passing day, though I crave sugar and nearly sucked the yam skin dry; it was so sweet and tender...... As the day wore on today all I could think about was food, I started to worry. Is this normal? Is it all in my head? Am I doing something wrong? Am I going to have the will power to get through 30 days?

The biggest thing I'm realizing is that eating like this takes a lot of planning, and I mean A LOT. I'm trying to help out more with the meal planning. I'm literally grabbing handfuls of fruit, nuts anything that will fit in our bag that is Paleo friendly. I was not a big meal planner before this, so this is a big change for me. Not one that I'm particularly liking yet, even though I know it is good for me. Experts say that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. I'm hoping that moving toward eating more vegetables and not relying on grains will come more easily. Right now, it feels like I am walking up a hill with skates on. As in it's not easy and every hour of the day is a challenge for me. Everything takes great thought and concentration. Eating is becoming less about enjoyment and more about necessity. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

ok off to bed I go....... here is to another day...

Energy: lots in the AM barely any towards the end of the day

Mood: irritable

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree that eating healthier does take planning. I'm definitely going to have to try.
